Google now allows you to send directions to your phone from Desktop Search


Google has now added a new feature that will allow users to send directions to their phones from desktop search. All you have to do is go to Google search, type in send directions and hit the search button. Google will then let you pick a location and a device and you’re all set.

This method is easier than using Pushbullet as it does not require any logging in or installation of extensions. Google gives you options to choose from any of your active Android devices. If you do not enter a location, it chooses your phones location as the default but you can manually enter an address as well. The directions go up live instantaneously as soon as you send it.

Currently the feature seems to be available for people in the USA only, but we expect it to be made available to other countries very soon.

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Author: Sandeep Sarma

Sandeep Sarma is a blogger and a freelance photographer. Apart from gadgets and phones, he also has a passion for movies and cars. He currently uses the S7 Edge as his main phone. Catch him on twitter at @sandeep9sarma